Doing a Scrap Baby Poll
Vote for what you'd like to see by commenting any of the options below:
-Tenatcle/Wire fuck
-Wire BDSM
-Pegging the Nightguard
-Futa, Solo
-Futa, fucking regular Circus Baby
Voting ends in 12 hours!
Remember, you can vote for multiple options.
Results for the 8th Poll!
Wire BDSM ------------------------- 1 -- 0
Poledancing ----------------------- 4 -- 0
Futa, Solo ------------------------ 5 -- 0
Tenatcle/Wire fuck ---------------- 7 -- 0
Clawjob --------------------------- 7 -- 0
Cumshot --------------------------- 7 -- 0
Pegging the Nightguard ------------ 7 -- 0
Lipjob ---------------------------- 17 - 0
Titfuck --------------------------- 16 - 1
Futa, fucking regular Circus Baby - 25 - 1
Both will be drawn, but Titfuck will be exclusive to patreon for 4 weeks, decided via Wheel Decide.